Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Genius Hour: Blog Creation!

Blog Post 1:
The goal for today is to set up your blog and begin your project.

Please do the following:

    Image result for genius hour"
  1. Create a blog using your school email and the blogger website
  2. After you create your blog, make your first post.
  3. Include in the first post (most of this info is in your proposal-cut and paste):
    1. Your name and grade level
    2. What your background/ interests are and how that led you to this project
    3. One "Big Question" your project will answer
    4. An explanation of the project / project goals
    5. An overview of what you plan to do in the next 6 weeks 
  4. If you want you may add photos/ videos to the post relevant to your work.
  5. Publish the post
  6. Paste in your link to Google Classroom

After you finish the first overview start working on the project. 

After each work session you will write a post for your blog about your progress. What you learned, challenges you encountered, set backs, accomplishments etc. You can also include images throughout the process.

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